About Lab Order Module – Creating Antech Lab Requisitions Online

The Zoasis Lab Order Program allows you to create electronic versions of your Antech test request form. This electronic Lab Requisition form has a barcode printed on it that can then be scanned by the sample-processing department at Antech. By automating sample logging, you can ensure that the correct hospital, client, and patient demographic information, as well as test orders, are logged for each sample that you submit. Additionally, because the data is controlled and "clean," you will be able to retrieve statistical information about the samples you submit, including patient trends over time, regional and state disease incidence, and other reports.


Entering patient information and selecting tests in this module does NOT submit any information to Antech electronically. This feature is designed to allow you to create a printed, legible, concise copy of the test request form. Antech will not receive any electronic data about your sample submission. You must include the printed form in your sample bag for this data to be processed.


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