To add an item to the shopping cart using
the mini-window, you must know the Antech supply catalog number
(SKU) for an item. Type the SKU into the “Add” field
(do not use any spaces or symbols such as hyphens or underscores),
and then type the quantity of the item you want to order into the
Quantity field. Finally, click on the Basket Icon to add the item
to your order. The mini-window will refresh, reflecting the new
number of items in your cart and the total cost of your order. You
can check what you have placed in your cart (your pending order)
by clicking REVIEW ORDER.
Note: The number of items in the cart is the number of unique SKU
numbers, not the total quantity of all SKUs ordered. Therefore,
if you order 250 fecal containers and 200 plastic shipping bags,
the number of items in your cart will be 2, not 450.