The product table will provide you with the name of the product, the manufacturer name, and the price. Additionally, the vendor SKU, manufacturer SKU, and unit type (box, each, case, etc.) is also displayed. Additional information such as pharmacy classes or shipping details will also be shown (see item #2 above, which has a notation of “Prescription (RX)”.) To add an item to your shopping cart, click on the cart icon ( ) in the far right “Add to Cart” column. The default quantity to add to a cart is 1. However, you can add additional units of an item by changing the quantity to order in the “Qty” column (just type over what is displayed, then click on the cart). Once you add an item using the cart icon, your shopping cart mini-window will refresh to show the current cost and number of items in your cart, as shown below. By default, this list will display sorted by preferred items (if any) and then in alphabetical order. Click any column heading to re-sort the list. |